Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Loving the Unlovable

       Ponder on this...

      The bible tells us that if we are kind only to our friends, how are we different from anyone else?  Even criminals do that.  If we love only those who love us, what reward do we expect?  In other words, if you love only those who love you, then, there is no difference between you and the wicked because even the wicked also love those who love them. In a world where expressions like "An eye for an eye", "Do unto others before they do unto you" or the all-time favorite "I don't get mad, I get even" are as natural as drinking coffee, it is no wonder that hurts, afflictions and distresses multiply and find no end.

     As an antidote, Jesus teaches his followers to "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you".  Hard teaching, isn't it?  Call it supernatural love because that is really what it is.   Jesus expects his followers to be a different breed of people who make a difference in this world.

     Are you a Jesus follower?  If you are, He expects your love to shine without limits, doing good for evil and praying for those who have hurt you.  It won't be easy.  In fact, it is almost impossible. You need to ask for His grace to sustain you in this one.  Applying this teaching in your life is going to be a journey full of challenges. 

     Making a difference in this world is a quest by itself.  Start today by believing in Jesus,  and living out his teachings.  It could be just what the world needs after all.

     Happy Easter everyone!


  1. It's a challenging journey indeed! Only by God's sustaining grace and loving it. :) :)
