Wednesday, May 13, 2015


     Children are important to God.  In fact, one of the instances in the Bible where Jesus displayed his indignation was when the disciples rebuked the parents for bringing their children to Him in Mark 10:13-16.

Mark 10:14 - "When Jesus saw this, he was INDIGNANT."

Indignant - furious, angry, displeased
      The other one was when Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there in Matthew 21:12-13.

Matthew 21:12b-13: He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. It is written, he said to them, "My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of robbers.".

      But to our dismay, millions of children all over the world (an estimated of 3.5 million) are being enslaved, abused and trafficked. I believe that if we, who are imperfect, are grieved a thousand times by the abuse and enslavement of this innocent children, how much more the one who is perfect, our Father in heaven?

      Children need our prayers. They need our help. In unity, we can make a difference.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Be extravagant with your praises

    Excessive, overgenerous, lavish, costly, rich, abundant, unreserved. Those are just a few words to praise and worship a great God who is greatly to be praised and whose greatness is unsearchable. 

     It is beyond songs and singing. It is an outflowing resulting from an extravagant devotion to an overgenerous God. 

     It is not only a response to the good things that God has given you, but it is arms stretched towards heaven in the middle of an overwhelming grief. 

     When you have seen and tasted the goodness of God, extravagant praise becomes a responsibility.

     Extravagant praise and worship is not only enjoyable; it is achievable.

    That is what extravagant means.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Loving the Unlovable

       Ponder on this...

      The bible tells us that if we are kind only to our friends, how are we different from anyone else?  Even criminals do that.  If we love only those who love us, what reward do we expect?  In other words, if you love only those who love you, then, there is no difference between you and the wicked because even the wicked also love those who love them. In a world where expressions like "An eye for an eye", "Do unto others before they do unto you" or the all-time favorite "I don't get mad, I get even" are as natural as drinking coffee, it is no wonder that hurts, afflictions and distresses multiply and find no end.

     As an antidote, Jesus teaches his followers to "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you".  Hard teaching, isn't it?  Call it supernatural love because that is really what it is.   Jesus expects his followers to be a different breed of people who make a difference in this world.

     Are you a Jesus follower?  If you are, He expects your love to shine without limits, doing good for evil and praying for those who have hurt you.  It won't be easy.  In fact, it is almost impossible. You need to ask for His grace to sustain you in this one.  Applying this teaching in your life is going to be a journey full of challenges. 

     Making a difference in this world is a quest by itself.  Start today by believing in Jesus,  and living out his teachings.  It could be just what the world needs after all.

     Happy Easter everyone!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Livelihood Promise

 Deuteronomy 28:8 is one of God's promises in the Bible which I hold on so dearly.  Personally, I apply this verse in my area of livelihood.  I believe that if we don't get weary in doing  that which pleases God especially in our area of livelihood, no matter how strong the temptation to do otherwise, God will bless our finances, work and home.  Be encouraged. To the fathers, mothers, single parents who work so hard to set up their families, and shun unrighteous money making activities, even though how tempting they maybe, continue doing what you have started.  To those who fear and trust God for their provision, do not worry. God will establish you and your family.  To those who are into morally questionable livelihood, it's never too late to straighten things out.  Humbly ask God to forgive and help you. Believe that God will pull you out of the pit.  Stay in God's course and will.  If you do this, you will never regret your decision.  God will pour out his favor upon you.

Read God's Word today.  It is all in that book called "Bible" and believe in his promises.  You won't regret it.